North York Moors Youth Council

North York Moors National Park Youth Council (YC) was officially launched in April 2021. The Youth Council endeavours to be entirely youth-led and facilitate involvement in the decision-making process when it comes to the long-term operation/management of the national park. The YC seeks to have participation from young people in the 11-30 age bracket and is open to those who live in and around the national park. In January 2021, a steering group was formed comprising of young people who live, work or study in the park to put together the general foundations of the council such as roles required, methods of communication and a code of conduct. The main objectives decided of the council are:

· Improving biodiversity

· Improving people’s mental health

· Improving people’s enjoyment of the park

· Promoting the value of protected landscapes

Any young person who may be interested in joining should contact the council at